Wednesday, February 26, 2014

This is me,Hana I am the oldest of my family and I am 12 years old,I home school and babysit. I am the oldest of 6 kids. 4 sisters and 2 brothers, yes there is never a dull moment in my house. In my family its my Mom and Dad, My Dad works and my Mom is a stay at home mom. There is me , my sister Kai she is 10 years old,my brother Jomei he is 9 years old,my brother Tomi he is 7 years old,my sister Sora she is 6 years old,my sister Miya she is 4 years old, LAST but not least is my sister Naomi she is 1 year and a half. And no i cant remember all of there birthday's ;) You might think since there are so many people in my family we have a schedule. Well..... We don't, We are pretty layed back people i would say. Its hard being a big sister of 6 and sometimes i wish i wasn't but I like being able to help my mom and dad out when they need me, such as changing the baby's diaper,babysitting,washing dishes,feeding the animals too. Talking about animals we have 19 chickens,2 dog's,and 3 cat's. I love getting and eating chicken eggs they taste good and there delicious and way more healthy for you then the store bought eggs. My family has been using essential oils from Doterra' and all of it is natural and really helps. I used to get a ton of head aches and now i have been using essential oils i don't get them as much as i did and they really work a whole bunch. You can use them for anything if you are interested go to hppts://  /